Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lela Cocktail by Donna

Thought I slowly try to mark my time in all the different locations that I have worked at so far. I thought I start with the most recent and work backwards all the way to Junior High School.

From January 2012 to Present, I have been working at Lela. Lela is a very cool site that hosts a new way to shop! You take a quick profile and they start matching you to Baby Products or Electronics! I recall the first time I completed my profile, they only had Cameras in the Electronics section (Yes it was quite small a long time ago nearly a year ago), I just recently purchased a camera. I decided to take a peak to see what I SHOULD'VE bought. It told me that I should've gotten the Canon Powershot. Funny thing is, I REALLY wanted to get this camera but it was too expensive! I settled for a Sony Cybershot. Guess what? That was actually one of my second products ranked in the upper 95%.

I think though that my favorite part of working at this place is that I can learn SO MUCH in less than a year! I feel as if I have learned A LOT since getting out of college and also after working at so many jobs. And it wasn't even in my major! To all my family and friends that read this, I know you asked me to leave multiple times to go back into an Engineering field, but honestly I think I have learned more here in HTML, Marketing, Google Analytics, Sales, Reporting, and MUCH MORE! I think this job has made me WANT to stay in a job where NOTHING is predictable as I can go from doing Administrative work to some small coding to Reporting and much more all within a day!

I am sure half of you guys are bored of reading about all this information as to why I made this drink and all, so I guess I should get to what you put in it huh?

Ingredients for Lela
Vodka - My favorite type of spirit! so I just had to have it!
Orange Curacao - to symbolize their brand color
Orange slice to garnish - the cup just looked too boring that I had to put it
